Atlyss Game Mechanics
ATLYSS has several aspects to its gameplay that are smaller than others, yet are all the same important. Listed below are examples of these, ranging from multiplayer to combat mechanics.
Game Mechanics
ATLYSS has several aspects to its gameplay that are smaller than others, yet are all the same important. Listed below are examples of these, ranging from multiplayer to combat mechanics.
ATLYSS Multiplayer Guide
Lobby Hosting in ATLYSS
ATLYSS supports multiplayer gameplay with up to 16 players in a single lobby.
When creating a lobby in ATLYSS, hosts can enable streamer mode to disable chat. Hosts have moderation controls through the Host Console, including /kick
and /ban
Access the Host Console using the Host Console key (`). Here are the available commands:
/shutdown <countdown>
: Shuts down the server with optional countdown in seconds/cancelsd
: Cancels pending server shutdown/starthost
: Starts the server instance/kick <connection ID>
: Removes player by connection ID/ban <connection ID>
: Bans player and their IP address/clearbanlist
: Resets the saved ban list
ATLYSS features a persistent mute and ban system that saves between sessions.
ATLYSS Party System
Form parties in ATLYSS by pressing the Who Menu key (O) and selecting "Invite to Party". Parties support up to 4 players, with the inviter becoming party leader.
In ATLYSS, parties are essential for multiplayer dungeons. Each dungeon instance is party-exclusive, and only party leaders can initiate dungeon runs.
ATLYSS Combat System
Weapon Damage Scaling
In ATLYSS, weapons scale with different stats:
Weapon Type | Damage Floor | Damage Ceiling |
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Base Damage Floor + (Attack Power * 0.128) | Base Damage Ceiling + (Attack Power * 0.32) |
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Base Damage Floor + (Dex Power * 0.128) | Base Damage Ceiling + (Dex Power * 0.32) |
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Base Damage Floor + (Magic Power * 0.128) | Base Damage Ceiling + (Magic Power * 0.32) |
The max weapon damage that can be achieved through scaling is the same for all weapon types, and is given by the formula below:
- Weapon Max Damage
- Max Damage Floor = Base Damage Floor * (1.15 + (Equipment Level * 0.048))
- Max Damage Ceiling = Base Damage Ceiling * (1.15 + (Equipment Level * 0.062))
- Weapon Max Damage
Note that for both sets of formulas (weapon scaling and max damage), any decimal values are always rounded down to the nearest integer to give you your final value.
Power Threshold
The maximum Attack, Dexterity, or Magic Power stat limit at which a weapon's outgoing damage, both floor and ceiling, will yield no further growth.
You will know a weapon has reached it's max damage as indicated by yellow numbers on the weapon details window.
Weapon Masteries
Weapons can be further enhanced through Mastery skills, which become available through Guardian quests starting at level 10. Investing skill points into a weapon's Mastery skill will unlock a special charge attack that is unique to that weapon. Some weapons also gain further benefits through Mastery, such as increased attack speed, or an alternate jumping attack.
A description of the charged attack for each weapon type can be found at the top of the list of weapons for that type.
Many weapons and creeps in ATLYSS also make use of elements. These range from Normal, Shadow, Water, Fire, Earth, and Air.
At this time, elemental weaknesses are not implemented, therefore elements currently serve no purpose aside from unique Scepter attack animations. This is planned for a future update, however.
Threat is a basic part of every Creep's AI, dictating which player it will target. The higher an individual player's threat on a creep is, the more likely it is to attack them.
Increasing Threat
Threat increases through [further research needed].
Some skills are specially designed to generate high threat and draw the enemy's aggro. These include: