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last updated: 2 years ago
BepInEx pack for Mono Unity games. Preconfigured and ready to use.
last updated: 2024-12-4
Atlyss BepInEx plugin to uncap the sliders in the character creation menu with configuration. Requested by certain types of people, you know who you are.
last updated: 2024-12-5
A crude implementation to dye armour pieces in game by using commands in chat.
last updated: 2024-12-5
Customization mod to edit character sliders, player textures & dynamic bones(jiggle).
last updated: 2024-12-06
ATLYSS mod to allow you to not get pushed back by the foul NPC forcefields.
last updated: 2024-12-4
Atlyss BepInEx plugin to tweak the character creation menu and vanity UI.
last updated: 2024-12-4
ATLYSS BepInEx plugin to edit BepInEx configuration values within the in-game settings menu.
last updated: 2024-12-4
Limits server name length and removes special characters to allow the lobby list to be readable regardless of spam.
last updated: 2024-12-4
A modern and lightweight mod manager for many games on Thunderstore.
quiet conditions
last updated: 2024-12-5
ATLYSS mod to remove or reduce visually intense skill effects.
DetourContext Dispose Fix
last updated: 2024-12-5
A BepInEx patcher to fix MonoMod.RuntimeDetour's DetourContext.Dispose not working.
last updated: 2024-12-5
Automatically generates MonoMod.RuntimeDetour.HookGen's MMHOOK files during the BepInEx preloader phase.
Lobby Blocker
last updated: 2024-12-5
Adds server blocking functionality to the lobby list browser.
BepInEx Fixer
last updated: 2024-12-5
Fixes being sent back to menu when attempting to public host whilst using BepInEx.
Clearwater ToolbarTweaks
last updated: 2024-12-5
A collection of toolbar UI tweaks for conveniance purposes.
last updated: 2024-12-6
A Character Customization Mod That Uncapps Scale
Lillys Uncapped Players And Parties
last updated: 2024-11-29
A Simple Mod To Uncap Players And Lobbies
last updated: 2024-11-28
Removes player name restrictions, allowing usage of color tags and longer names.