

Complete guide to all vendors and shops in ATLYSS, including Sally's Store, Frankie's Goods, and Craig's Store. Find the best items, prices and trading locations in ATLYSS.

Последнее обновление: 12/2/2024


Shops are locations in ATLYSS in which players can spend  Crowns. These shops are managed by special NPCs and provide a variety of items ranging from Weapons, Armor, Consumables, and Trade Items. Some shops may even change their provided goods based on the player's level.

More shop locations are planned to be added throughout development.

List of Shops

Sally's Store

Sally the Shopkeep sells a selection of general goods for the player's adventure in exchange for  Crowns. Her shop can be found on the western side of Sanctum.

Weapons Armors
 Deathgel Shivs  Iron Chestpiece
 Stone Greatblade  Iron Shield
 Runic Katars  Rugged Cloak
 Dawn Mace  Journeyman Leggings
 Slime Diva Baton  Sleeper's Robe
 Cryptsinge Halberd  Iris Shield
 Menace Bow  Demicrypt Buckler
 Cryptcall Bell  Sapphireweave Ring
 Necroroyal Halberd  Emeraldfocus Ring
   Ambersquire Ring
   Diva Crown
   Mercenary Vestment
   Tattered Battlerobe
   Warrior Chest
   Chainmail Leggings
   Mithril Chestpiece
   Mercenary Leggings
   Orbos Ring
   Silken Top
   Silken Loincloth
   Wizard Hat
   Dire Helm
   Acolyte Hood
   Noble Shirt
   Noble Pants
 Skill Scroll (Alacrity)
 Skill Scroll (Fireball)
 Skill Scroll (Execute)
 Skill Scroll (Inner Focus)
 Skill Scroll (Siphon Leech)
 Skill Scroll (Leg Up)
 Skill Scroll (Spire)
 Skill Scroll (Spread Shot)
 Skill Scroll (Sturdy)
 Tome of Lesser Experience
 Tome of Greater Experience
 Tome of Naivety
 Tome of Unlearning
 Blue Dye
 Green Dye
 Grey Dye
 Red Dye
 Defense Potion
 Mgk. Defense Potion
 Evasion Potion
Trade Items
 Illusion Stone
 Soul Pearl
 Angela's Tear
 Blightwood Log
 Blightwood Stick
 Red Minchroom Cap
 Might Stone
 Agility Stone
 Flux Stone


Frankie's Goods

Frankie the Vendor manages a shop in a corner of Tuul Valley. As a colleague of Sally, her shopping system is similar to Sally's Store. She sells items that the player would normally earn from slaying Mekboars or earn from opening chests.

Weapons Armors

Crowns (Icon).png Price


Crowns (Icon).png Price

 Cryo Cane

Crowns (Icon).png 263

 Chainmail Leggings

Crowns (Icon).png 380

 Pyre Cane

Crowns (Icon).png 250

 Students Ring

Crowns (Icon).png 165


Crowns (Icon).png Price


Crowns (Icon).png 50


Crowns (Icon).png 80


Crowns (Icon).png 150

 Skill Scroll (Leg Up)

Crowns (Icon).png 1000

 Skill Scroll (Execute)

Crowns (Icon).png 500

 Skill Scroll (Fireball)

Crowns (Icon).png 650

 Skill Scroll (Spread Shot)

Crowns (Icon).png 500

 Skill Scroll (Spire)

Crowns (Icon).png 650

Trade Items

Crowns (Icon).png Price

 Wizboar Head

Crowns (Icon).png 20

 Mekboar Head

Crowns (Icon).png 12

 Wizboar Scepter

Crowns (Icon).png 18

 Mekboar Spear

Crowns (Icon).png 15

Craig's Store

Craig the Vendor runs a shop out of a small pavilion near the base of the Wall of the Stars. He sells armors and rings with equipment levels ranging from 15 to 17, as well as some consumables and trade items.


Crowns (Icon).png Price

 Chainscale Chest

Crowns (Icon).png 800

 Stridebond Pants

Crowns (Icon).png 962

 Pearlpond Ring

Crowns (Icon).png 289

 Slitherwraith Ring

Crowns (Icon).png 380

 Jadetrout Ring

Crowns (Icon).png 815

 Cobblerage Cloak

Crowns (Icon).png 1320

 Sagecaller Cape

Crowns (Icon).png 923

 Meshlink Cape

Crowns (Icon).png 865


Crowns (Icon).png Price


Crowns (Icon).png 15


Crowns (Icon).png 50


Crowns (Icon).png 120


Crowns (Icon).png 25


Crowns (Icon).png 80


Crowns (Icon).png 200


Crowns (Icon).png 150

 Tome of Naivety

Crowns (Icon).png 1500

 Tome of Unlearning

Crowns (Icon).png 1200

 Skill Scroll (Alacrity)

Crowns (Icon).png 1000

 Skill Scroll (Spread Shot)

Crowns (Icon).png 500

 Skill Scroll (Divine)

Crowns (Icon).png 1500

Trade Items

Crowns (Icon).png Price

 Illusion Stone

Crowns (Icon).png 300


Crowns (Icon).png 3



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